Saturday, June 03, 2006

Silence and Space

At Bible study the other night I got on a tangent about how when my life is most noisy I hear from God less, and vice versa. I have a hungering need for silence and solitude with God but a bracing fear of actually stopping and being silent. It's a horrible conundrum and most likely one of those things God has appointed me to learn in this earthly life. So, with that in mind, I read Mark Driscoll's blog this morning and found there was a link to an article he wrote for the Faith & Values section of the Seattle Times. (If you don't know anything about Mark Driscoll, you should learn--he's written a couple fantastic books and is putting into practice a ministry in Seattle that in many ways mirrors the one we desire for Boston). So, click here for the article Mark wrote about silence. This guy has an amazing way of putting into words all the things I think (and know) I want to say.

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