Sunday, June 18, 2006


Who knew that 24 hours away from my regular life would be exactly what I needed?

Angela and I headed up to the middle of nowhere in NH to a condo by a crystal-clear lake. (The condo is owned by Angela's employers, for whom she works as a nanny.) We arrived on Friday night, ready to watch movies and soak up the sun on Saturday. That's just what we did.

I enjoyed so much the fact that my phone didn't work and I had no internet access. I actually relaxed, got a little sun (too much on my back), and got to know Angela better. I feel like I got out of my own way a little and can hear God more. My regular life if so full of noise--much of it self-imposed--that hearing God is often a challenge. Now I need to discover how to re-create the space I found in NH to hear God in my daily life. For hearing Him is essential to knowing Him is essential to following Him. And that's my life's mission.

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