Monday, July 17, 2006

A Case of the Mondays

I am bowled over by how hard today was. I woke up too late to have time for devotions. I was running from the moment my feet left my bed, with demands on me left and right. My contacts were bothering me so much that I came home at lunchtime to get my glasses. On the drive home to get the glasses I got rear-ended. There was no significant damage (praise God!), but it was an inconvenience. I sped back to work because I was late for a meeting (that went on without me and could have skipped altogether). I was literally crying out to God on the drive back to work. Today was so far out of my hands. I don't recall the last time I was so desperate for His peace.

I know I'm under attack. The enemy knows what was released in me last week. I can only say that he hates freedom from lies, bondage, and hurt. He especially hates when that freedom leads to a greater understanding of God. God is powerful beyond comprehension, and the knowledge of Him is catastrophic to the forces of darkness. Let me rest in the fray, covered by the protection of Christ. He is my rear guard and His Word is my covering.

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